2023 CEET / ETI Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
2023 Students and Projects
View the final list of REU students, home institutions, UMass advisors and project topics below. Questions? Contact us at engindiversity@umass.edu.
2023 REU Summer Students
REU students gather for orientation with CEET REU Director Zoe Getman-Pickering (Front row - left). Credit: Ndifreke Ette, UMass Amherst
Student: Briana Pulliam, UC Santa Barbara
PI: Erin Baker
Program: CEET
Title: Reducing the Grid Demand by Introducing Hot Water Buffer Tanks to Heating Pumps
Student: Skyler Gipson, Stetson University
PI: Jay Taneja
Mentors: Aggrey Muhebwa, Bob Muhwezi
Program: CEET
Title: Locating Charcoal Production Sites with Remotely Sensed Data in East Africa
Student: Lily Davoren, Bryn Mawr College
PI: Mohammad Hajiesmaili, Prashant Shenoy
Mentors: Adam Lechowicz
Program: CEET
Title: Shining a Light on Solar Equity: Impact of Solar Power Adoption on Diverse Demographics
Student: Chaehyeon (Chae) Kim, Case Western Reserve University
PI: Ramesh Sitaraman
Mentors: Diptyaroop Maji, Abel Souza
Program: CEET
Title: Real-time Carbon Intensity Forecasts for the Electric Grid in Europe
Student: Vivian Rost-Nasshan, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
PI: Jimi Oke
Mentors: Mohammed Mohammed
Program: CEET
Title: Explaining Vehicular Delays in the United States
Student: Asmy Sylvain, UMass-Amherst
PI: Matthew Lackner
Program: CEET
Title: Wind Trawler, A Comparative Study of Storage Options
Student: Agustin Pemberton, STCC
PI: David Irwin
Mentors: Talha Mehboob
Program: CEET
Title: Revving up Efficiency, Quantifying Carbon Minimization through Job Scheduling Policies
Student: Stan Laguerre, Macalester College
PI: Fatima Anwar
Program: CEET
Mentors: Yasra Chandio, Khotso Selialia
Title: Unpacking Visual SLAM: A Critical Analysis of Tracking Methodologies and Their Pitfalls
Student: Samuel Berehe, Robert Morris University
PI: Prashant Shenoy
Mentors: Abel Souza, Noman Bashir
Program: CEET
Title: How Should I Respond to Mixed Signals? – Interpreting Average and Marginal Carbon Intensity Signals
Student: Lilian Kahng (Lilly), Vanderbilt University
PI: Golbon Zakeri
Mentors: Arash Khojaste, Geoffrey Pritchard
Program: CEET
Title: Rare Events in Electricity Generation from Offshore Wind
Student: Anvitha Ramachandran, UMass-Amherst
PI: Sandip Kundu
Program: CEET
Title: Model Optimization for Lowering Energy Consumption in Edge Computing with the Google Coral TPU
Student: Rafiatu Sarbah, Norwich University
PI: Ogechi Vivian Nwadiaru
Program: CEET
Title: Evaluating the Value of Battery Energy Storage in Low-income Communities
Student: Jing Wang, Deerfield Academy
PI: Erin Baker
Program: CEET/ETI
Title: Impact of Electrifying Heat on Power Grids
Student: Chengzhi Wu Li, UMass-Amherst
PI: Michael Zink
Mentors: Zachary Clayton, Hakan Saplakoglu
Program: Independent
Title: Redesign of Sensor Nodes for Atmospheric Infrasound Detection
About ETI
The Energy Transition Institute (ETI) leads stakeholder-engaged research and education at the intersection of energy technology and social equity. Our network of researchers spans 50+ departments and programs across UMass Amherst, including Engineering, Humanities and Fine Arts, Management, Natural Sciences, and Social and Behavioral Sciences. ETI research activities include the NSF-funded ELEVATE program, which offers fellowships to PhD students doing convergence research across disciplines on clean energy, equity and climate resilience.