Sanjay Arwade
Civil and Environmental EngineeringOffshore wind energy robustness and resiliency, reliability, sustainable design
Michael Ash
Economics, Public Policy & AdministrationEnvironmental justice, political economy of health, corporate accountability, inequality, quantitative methods
Erin Baker
Mechanical & Industrial EngineeringModeling macro energy systems, decision theory applied to climate change and energy technology policy, sustainable and equitable energy systems.
Dwayne Breger
Director, Clean Energy Extension
Environmental ConservationClean energy and climate policy, extension activities to support clean energy markets and state programs
Nick Caverly
Assistant Professor
Cultural Anthropology
Science, technology, and society, Environmental racism and justice seeking, urban infrastructural systems
Christine Crago
Associate Professor
Resource EconomicsEconomics of solar power, distributional and equity impacts of energy policy, empirical analysis
Rob DeConto
GeosciencesClimate physics, sea level rise, climate impacts on coastlines and people, intersection of climate change and sustainability
Christian Guzman
Assistant Professor
Civil and Environmental EngineeringSediment transport, hillslope hydrology, stable water isotopes, sociohydrology
Krista Harper
AnthropologyEthnographic, qualitative, and participatory action research on community mobilizations for environmental and climate justice
David Irwin
Associate Professor
Computer ScienceSustainable computing, clean energy systems and informatics, distributed software systems
Juniper Katz
Associate Professor
School of Public PolicyEnvironmental policy, solar siting, nonprofit management
Matthew Lackner
Mechanical EngineeringOffshore wind turbine engineering, resilient renewable energy systems
James Manwell
Mechanical EngineeringOffshore wind turbine design, meteorological and oceanographic design conditions, energy systems, energy storage
Ezra Markowitz
Associate Professor of Environmental Conservation
Environmental decision-making; effective communication; public engagement with science
David Schmidt
Mechanical EngineeringOffshore wind energy
Prashant Shenoy
Computer ScienceAI for sustainability, smart buildings, renewables and energy storage, energy informatics
Regine Spector
Associate Professor
Political Science -
Jay Taneja
Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineeringinfrastructure systems measurement, international development, embedded and mobile systems, remote sensing
Eve Vogel
Associate Professor
Geoscienceshuman-environmental dynamics, river governance and policy, hydroelectric energy impacts
Jon Woodruff
GeosciencesSediment and Coastal Dynamics, Flood Hazards, Tidal Wetlands, Post-Glaciated Shorelines, Estuaries
Brian Yellen
Research Assistant Professor
GeosciencesImpacts of dams and hydropeaking on rivers; coastal processes, tidal wetlands
Golbon Zakeri
Industrial EngineeringOptimization and economics of power markets, integration of renewables into electricity markets